Andrea Katz, Ed. D. / Certificated Special Education Advocate

Specialized support and advocacy throughout the entire IEP process

I support parents and guardians who work diligently and passionately to oversee their child's access to a free and appropriate public education, in which they can thrive. I have over 30 years of experience to help you navigate the special education services in your district of residence throughout San Diego County.

Andrea Katz in a special needs advocacy meeting with a parent

All children are entitled to an appropriate education through which they can gain the necessary skills to succeed in life.

Through Advocacy Resources for San Diego, YOU – the parent – will get an experienced special educator and advocate on your side to guide you through the often-complicated process of receiving special education services in the public school system. Advocacy support is offered in preparation for IEP meetings, as a representative during IEP meetings, and after the IEP process is complete.

Is your child struggling in her/her current school setting? 

Unfortunately, not all children are thriving in the current systems offered through public schools. If you're worried about your child's academic, social, and/or behavior levels and questions like these sound familiar, I can help!

  • Are the school personnel doing all they can to help my child?
  • Why isn’t my child making meaningful progress this year?
  • Is my child eligible for more services from special education?
  • Can I call a special meeting to address my concerns?
  • What are my rights as a parent of a child with special needs?
  • Can I request a different placement for my child?
  • How can I better understand all my child’s paperwork?

We are in awe of you for all the support you are giving us, and we would love to thank you for getting us where we are today with both our boys' IEPs.

Y & S, 2024

La Mesa Spring Valley Parents

I don’t know how I would have navigated this process without your experience, expertise, and help. It was obvious from the first time we met that you really cared about (my son) and the other children you represent. You are so easy to talk to, full of great ideas, and committed to see things through to the end.

M.M., 2020

Get a free consultation

Ready to take action? Let's discuss how my advocacy services can help you.